Drifter's Sympathy Season 1 Playlist
Die Musik meines Lieblingspodcasts
Drifter’s Sympathy ist der Titel des Podcasts von Emil Amos, dem einzigen Mitglied der Band Holy Sons, Drummer von Grails und Om und Teil von Lilacs & Champagne. Gestartet als ein Projekt zur Selbsttherapie von Emil, sich der eigenen Vergangenheit zu stellen, um sich selbst zu entschlüsseln und wichtige Erkenntnisse daraus zu ziehen, hat sich dieser Podcast unter anderem auch mit der Musik beschäftigt, die Emil in seinem Schaffen beeinflusst hat. Jede zweite Episode übernimmt Emil die Rolle des DJs, gibt Empfehlungen und gibt interessantes Hintergrundwissen über die musikalischen Einflüsse von Einflüssen von Einflüssen. Seine musikalischen Empfehlungen sind teils sehr wertvolle Geheimtipps und ich möchte hier eine möglichst vollständige Liste aller Empfehlungen liefern. Leider sind nicht alle Songs zu identifizieren. Hier sind die Songs aus Staffel 1:
Season 1
#02 Rare Soundtracks
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“The storytelling/audio-book aspect of the podcast will return on the 1st of every month. For this episode Emil performs the honorable late-night ritual of drinking heavily and going through the rare soundtrack section of records he’s accumulated while traveling to the far corners of the world with his band Grails. Grails is inching closer to announcing their first full length record of all new material in 5 years very soon. This episode delves into the world of freedom granted to composers through the window of film music and exposes some of Grails’ influences and touchstones along the way.”
Erschienen: Aug. 2016
Länge: 62 Min.

#04 American Trailblazers
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“Episode 4 dives into the history of lesser known American record production and songwriting, uncovers various Neil Young imitators and features a mini-section on the significance and extreme depression of Del Shannon. Under the same spell of classic American records, Holy Sons has just announced a new collaborative record with legendary producer John Agnello (Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr. Kurt Vile). “In the Garden” sets Emil’s songwriting into the atmosphere of the kind of early 70’s records you’d pull out while slamming whiskeys by the fireplace late into the night (out Oct. 21st on Partisan Records). So, while getting wasted and going deep in the search for a classicism that truly satisfies, Drifter’s Sympathy dusts off lost curiosities left by some of the original ‘American Trailblazers’.”
Erschienen: Sep. 2016
Länge: 58 Min.

#06 British Masters
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“This Episode goes back to the era of the Beatles reign, focusing on lesser known British geniuses in songwriting and contrasting their early work with what became of them down the line.”
Erschienen: Okt. 2016
Länge: 66 Min.
#08 European Pioneers
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“This week’s episode dives deep into forgotten European songwriting and record production. Several shadowy heroes are covered here with a special section on Laurence Vanay and the Château d’Hérouville, the legendary studio in the French countryside where Bowie’s ‘Low’, Chris Bell’s ‘I am the Cosmos’ and Floyd’s ‘Obscured by Clouds’ were recorded. Vincent Van Gogh is rumored to have painted the Château, the Grateful Dead supposedly dosed the French police there and the studio’s owner, an infamous library composer, killed himself when he ran out of money to keep the lights on. Behind all of that, the recordings of Laurence Vanay were buried for decades… Dark and beautiful compositions by Jacqueline Thibault, the wife of Magma’s bassist, released under a pseudonym because she was deemed ‘not marketable enough’ to record under her own name!”
Erschienen: Nov. 2016
Länge: 56 Min.
#10 Rare Soundtracks II
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“Rare Soundtracks is back. This episode digs back into the folds of Grails’ influences by focusing on the great ‘British Crime’ film composer Roy Budd, pointing out the cancerous effect of Tubular Bells on modern horror films and including a small section on MF Doom sampling the composer of Hair.”
Erschienen: Dez. 2016
Länge: 55 Min.
#12 Plastic Flower People
Originalbeschreibung der Episode:
“In the late 60’s new advances in recording technology collided up against the rise of the flower children and a new genre of insincere bohemian music was pushed into the wake of a new youth market. Some of it was QUITE GOOD as a few very genuine artists got mixed up into this relatively hollow campaign that tried its best to commodify dissent. These songs can be judged as peripheral artifacts or beautiful time capsules that say more than they might’ve meant to say between the lines. Our next episode will be the new beginning of another 6 month season of Drifter’s Sympathy…”
Erschienen: Dez. 2016
Länge: 71 Min.